Игры с айфона на компьютер. Современный IOS-эмулятор

Мы рады приветствовать вас на нашем сайте, где вы сможете узнать всё о любимых устройствах с платформой IOS и не только. Вот буквально сейчас мы подготовили для вас статью с описанием установки программы эмулятора на ваш ПК.

Конечно, если говорить откровенно, то полноценных эмуляторов, которые способны подарить вам полный набор функций, содержащихся в iPad или iPhone нет!
Мы можем предложить вам лишь симуляторы, а это большое отличие от эмулятора. Игры и приложения на Windows лучше было бы запускать на эмуляторе, из-за затруднительного запуска игр с помощью симулятора, но всё же это возможно.
И буквально сейчас мы начнём с вами знакомство с таким приложением как iPadian2

Если вы решили попробовать что это такое и с чем едят IOS , тогда другого подходящего варианта кроме iPadian2 у вас пока нет. В данной программе вы сможете хотя бы визуально насладиться данной операционкой. А скачать данную прогу, можно с официального сайта, ссылка прилагается:
Главным условием правильной работы приложения является наличие последней версии Adobe AIR , которую вы можете скачать отсюда
Чтобы программа эмулятор iPadian2 заработала на вашем компьютере её совершенно не нужно устанавливать, просто скачайте её и затем запустите её. Вот собственно и всё, прекрасный вид IOS 7 уже на вашем ПК.

Уникальная программа, которую часто называют эмулятором iPad. На самом деле это утверждение слишком далеко от правды. Перед нами вовсе не эмулятор, а просто муляж графической оболочки операционной системы iOS. iPadian как-бы симулирует поведение "яблочной" операционной систему, но вовсе не работает с ядром и не может запускать iOS-приложения. Да, внутри программы вы найдете вполне себе рабочий калькулятор или, например, секундомер. По факту это обычные "флешки" (приложение, написанные на Flash), которые запускаются в любом браузере. То же касается и игр в здешнем AppStore. Не совсем ясно, зачем разработчики попытались имитировать наличие данного магазина цифрового контента в своей программы. Честно говоря и цель существования самого iPadian также не до конца ясна.

Хотя вот разработчик утверждает, что создавал программу для тех, кто никогда не пользовался портативными устройствами Apple и желает попробовать поработать с iOS. Он уверен, что iPadian вполне способен перед общее "ощущение" от использования этой операционной системы и помогает определиться потенциальным покупателям "яблочной" техники с целесообразностью подобного приобретения.

К чести разработчика стоит сказать, что его старание сделать данный симулятор максимально похожим на настоящую операционную систему действительно чувствуется. Он даже смог "прикрутить" к своей программе браузер Safari и мобильные клиент сервиса YouTube. Можете открыть их и "потыкать" самостоятельно. Кстати о личном опыте эксплуатации. Скачать и попробовать iPadian любой желающий может совершенно бесплатно. В определенный период развития проекта существовала премиум-подписка, которая давала доступ к расширенному набор приложений. В данный момент данный метод монетизации "заморожен".

Ну и последний момент, который очень "бесит" и просто обязан быть упомянут в данном описании заключается в том, что iPadian может работать исключительно в полноэкранном режиме.

ВНИМАНИЕ! Для запуска программы необходим Adobe Flash Player.

Ключевые особенности

  • симуляция поведения графической оболочки операционной системы iOS;
  • набор Flash-приложений, которые выглядят и работают примерно так же как настоящие программы из "яблочной" операционки;
  • работа исключительно в полноэкранном режиме;
  • встроенный браузер на движке WebKit и клиент видеохостинга YouTube;
  • возможность смены обоев рабочего стола из раздела с настройками;
  • свой "кастомный" App Store, из которого даже можно скачать игры (вполне играбельные).

How to run iOS apps in Windows PC or What is the best iOS emulator for Windows to run iOS apps in Windows 10 / 8 / 7 computer are some of the widely searched terms over the internet, and that’s the main reason for us to bringing out this iOS Emulators for Windows guide.

Apple App store is having a huge collection of iOS applications and games. If you played a game or app on your friends iPhone and want to play it again but don’t have an iOS device then you can use to play iOS games on PC. The iOS emulators are softwares which help one in running all the applications and games available for iOS devices on Windows computers.

You just have to install and you will be able to run all your favorite iOS applications and games on your Windows computer. There are many different iOS emulators available on the web for iOS and today we are going to share top 7 best iOS emulators to run iOS Apps on Windows PC.

But before browsing the complete list of iOS emulator to run iOS apps in Windows 10 / 8 / 7 operating system, let’s find out in details – what is iOS emulator?, What is the difference between Emulator and Simulator?, and What are the important uses of iOS emulator?

What is iOS Emulator?

Is a software which will help you in running any game on your Windows computer. You can easily install on any Windows computer or laptop and access all the iOS games and applications for free. Not only you can use the applications and games which are available in Apple iTunes App store but also test the iOS apps and games which you are going to develop for any iOS device.

In this extensive guide of best, you will be able to find out some very exclusive iOS simulator and emulators for iOS which are absolutely free and quite safe to download.

What is the Difference Between Emulator and Simulator?

A lot of people get confused between a simulator and emulator whenever they read the guide of best iOS emulator for Windows computer or best for Windows computer. Simulator and Emulator sound the same but both these terms are different.

An emulator is considered as a replacement of any original device like iPhone or iPad. Using , you will be able to run same applications and softwares of original device e.g. iPhone or iPad. There is no need of modifying the software as the only thing needed is installation of the software and you are good to go. All the non-iOS users who want to run iOS apps and games use iOS emulators for Windows.

Simulator will set up similar environment just like the Operating system of original device but doesn’t provide access to hardware of the device. This is one of the reasons that some applications don’t work on for Windows. iOS simulators will run the code smoothly and will launch the app within a few seconds.

Developers prefer to use iOS emulator for PC instead of iOS simulators because of the ability to test the applications and user friendly interface. Now that we know what is the difference between iOS simulator for Windows and emulator for iOS ? So, let’s find out important uses of iOS simulator.

What are the Important Uses of iOS Emulators?

There are many important uses of iOS simulators or iOS emulators for Windows. We have listed some of the important uses of iOS emulator for PC below:

  • You can test the iOS apps when you are developing them using the iOS emulator.
  • Mobile app simulator will help you to run the application in multiple devices which are having the same operating system.
  • You will be able to analyze your application and also find out the issues which are present in your application during the testing phase. This will help you in getting better product in the end.
  • You can test the application with all the developer tools which you can only access using a simulator.
  • If you love to learn about coding then you can enjoy the Xcode development experience. The iOS developer program will help you in providing more information on how to code better and efficiently.

Top 7 Best iOS Emulators to Run iOS Apps in Windows 10 / 8 / 7

If you have already fed up by trying all the possible methods to run apple apps on Windows PC without iOS emulator and now looking for a best and very powerful iOS emulator for Windows 10, 8, or 7 operating system then below explained list of iOS emulators to run iOS apps on Windows PC is just perfect for you.

There are plenty of emulators for iOS with some very extraordinary features available on the internet and some of them are listed in this “” guide. If you want to use the best iOS app emulator to run iOS apps on Windows computer, you can download any mobile emulator for iOS from the list below.

So, let’s check out the list of best iPhone Emulator for Windows and iPad Emulator for Windows operating system:

(1) iPadian

iPadian iPad Emulator is the most popular and the best iOS emulator for Windows PC. You can use this emulator on any version of Windows PC and play all your favorite iPad games and applications. The emulator supports iOS 9 which is the latest iOS operating system available out there. You can download this iOS app emulator for free from its official website.

iPadian comes with user friendly interface and will provide you complete iPad experience on your Windows computer. A lot of app developers suggest iPadian as it comes with a lot of advanced features and is highly customizable.

Donwload iPadian iOS Emulator right now and brings all your favorite iOS apps to PC. Also let us know via the comments – Are you happy to use iPadian iPad Emulator on your Windows Computer?

(2) MobiOne Studio

MobiOne Studio is another iOS emulator for PC. You can use this iOS emulator for Windows to run all the iOS games and applications for free on your Windows computer. If you are into app development you can test your newly developed games using MobiOne Studio. Not only can you use this app studio to develop iOS apps but also Android applications and games. All the applications are built on HTML 5 which you can use anywhere and are compatible with multiple devices.

MobiOne Studio will allow you to share the application, build status notifications on your desktop as well as will allow you to configure the application on your iPad and iPhone. You can also customize the icons of the applications and check status of the application which you are downloading in MobiOne studio. You can download and use the mobile app simulator for free on any version of Windows operating system.

(3) Air iPhone Emulator

The next iOS emulators to run iOS apps on Windows PC is Air iPhone Emulator . The emulator or we should call it mobile app simulator will replicate Graphical User Interface of iPhone. In order to run this mobile app simulator you need to install AIR framework. Air Phone emulator is not fully developed application which is why the apps which you will run on this emulator might look bit different.

You will get complete interface of iPhone with this iOS emulator for Windows but if you are a or tester you might find it little difficult to test the applications. There are not a lot of advantages stated of this emulator but if you want to experience the user interface of iPhone on your Windows PC you can use Air Phone Emulator.

(4) iPhone Simulator

Using iPhone Simulator , you will be able to access all the iOS games and applications on your Windows computer. If you are a developer and are developing an app you can test it right away using iPhone simulator as the software allows you to test the applications in beta stage. If you are not able to afford an iPhone then iPhone simulator is the best option which you are having as you can run all iOS games and applications.

The graphics which you are going to get on iPhone Simulator are of very high quality and you will get exact iPhone interface on your computer. iPhone Simulator is the must download iOS emulator for Windows if you want to use your computer screen as your iPhone or iPad device’s screen.

(5) Xamarin Testflight

If you are looking for the best iOS emulators for windows which come with user friendly interface and advanced support, you need to use Xamarin Testflight emulators for iOS apps. You need to shed a couple of bucks in order to use this emulator as it is a premium one.

Once you have downloaded and installed this amazing iOS emulator to run iOS apps in Windows PC, you can enjoy all your favorite iOS games and applications on your Windows computer without any interruptions. The Xamarin Testflight emulator is compatible with all the versions of Windows operating system.

(6) iPad Simulator

As the name of this simulator suggests, iPad Simulator will allow you to run all the iPad games and applications. iPad simulator is basically a Google chrome extension which will work in Google Chrome as Cloud OS. You can even use iMessage application to send messages to your friends for free using iPad Simulator.

If you get a reply from your friend you will get a notification on your computer. If you are using a lot of applications you can use the search feature to find the app which you want to use.

(7) Smartface

Last but not the least is Smartface App Studio, the iPhone emulator which can be used to test the applications which you are building and development. You get debugging options for the iOS applications which will help you in getting better flexibility and will help in development of applications.

The Javascript library is going to help the developers in development of native iOS applications. Smartface emulator allows you to perfectly emulate your iOS and Android application on a Windows PC.

Вы хотите запустить приложения для IOS на Windows? Вы не одиноки, этим вопросом задаются многие пользователи. Официально считается, что это невозможно. Хотя, такой шанс есть - использовать IOS-эмулятор.

Красивый, интуитивно понятный и эстетичный а также широкий выбор высококачественных приложений, заработали для IOS много поклонников. Поскольку Apple не позволяет использовать открытый рынок приложений, доступ к App Store ограничивается лишь собственными устройствами. Поэтому, чтобы запустить такие программы на Windows, вам понадобится эмулятор, который предоставляет вам подобие гаджета от Apple.

IOS эмулятор для Windows - iPadian

iPadian - это бесплатный Ipad тренажер для ПК под управлением Windows XP или выше. Это приложение просто копируется на рабочий стол и не требует установки. Вы можете просто скачать файл с официального сайта, распаковать архив и запустить файл ipadian.exe. Он запускает альтернативный рабочий стол, который выглядит и ведет себя, как главный экран IPad.

На этом новом интерфейсе вы найдете панель в нижней части экрана и кнопку в правом верхнем углу, которая позволяет выйти из приложения. У вас еще при этом сохраняется доступ к Windows, открываемый нажатием на иконку в правом нижнем углу. Приложение доступно с поддержкой рекламы, поэтому вы будете иногда видеть всплывающие окна JavaScript.

Доступ к App Store

Этот IOS-эмулятор не позволяет загружать приложения из и Ipod, поскольку они шифруются с помощью технологии DRM FairPlay от Apple. Однако, разработчики iPadian создали хранилище программ, которое в настоящее время содержит чуть более 300 сотен популярных игр и приложений - Facebook, WhatsApp, Angry Birds, Cut The Rope и многое другое.

iPadian отлично работает и как эмулятор IOS для Windows 7 - многие «яблочные» программы при проверке оказываются полностью функциональными. В частности, пользователями были протестированы следующие приложения:


IPadian Instagram позволяет вам войти в Инстаграм, используя веб-API. Таким образом, в то время как вы можете просматривать свои фотографии и изменять данные своей учетной записи, вы не сможете загрузить любые фотографии.


Среди 34 музыкальных приложений, доступных в iPadian, Spotify является одним из тех, которые работают очень хорошо.

Cut The Rope

Такие игры, как Cut The Rope или Angry Birds работают и позволяют проходить многие уровни без проблем.

Facebook и WhatsApp

Однако, некоторые пользователи отмечают, что приложение для Facebook работает не всегда. При загрузке оно зависает, когда пытается подключиться к серверу, и часто обрывается при неудачной попытке соединения. WhatsApp также имеет свою долю проблем. На самом деле, это неполноценное приложение. iPadian использует бесплатный веб-интерфейс для WhatsApp, что позволяет отправлять кому-то бесплатное сообщение прямо с рабочего стола. Другие услуги, которые оно обычно использует, не работают.

Системные требования

Минимальные характеристики для того, чтобы запустить IOS-эмулятор iPadian на вашем ПК с Windows PC:

Версия ОС XP и выше;

По крайней мере, 512 МБ оперативной памяти (однако не меньше 1 Гб рекомендуется для лучшей производительности);

Наличие программы Adobe Air, установленной на вашем ПК.


iPadian - не настолько полноценный эмулятор IOS, как BlueStacks для Android, например. Самое большее, что может это приложение - оно имитирует внешний вид устройства IOS, и, по крайней мере, в состоянии использовать пару популярных программ и игр. Но, несмотря на это, оно не имеет поддержки сенсорного экрана, так что вы не сможете использовать монитор Windows 8. Пока вы ограничены клавиатурой и управлением с помощью мыши. К сожалению, эмулятор IOS для Андроид и Виндовс полноценного типа в наши дни еще не создан.

Have you ever yearned for trying out iPhone apps? Are you running short of money to buy an iPhone? Then putting your hands on the iPhone emulators is the ultimate choice you are left with. Now you might be wondering what an emulator is, right? Today in this post, we will discuss the best iOS emulators and simulators for Windows system. But before coming to that let us discuss what exactly an emulator is.

An emulator for iOS is a kind of electronic program that enables one computer to act like a different system called the ‘guest’ and can run the software and apps of the guest system in it. Emulators are specifically designed for developers for testing apps and other programs. In other words, they are the virtual machines that support the operation of applications that belong to a different operating system and run them seamlessly. Emulators can run applications from a specific OS or multiple OS also like iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, etc.

iPhone apps to computer

What is iOS emulator?

It enables the Windows system to run any iPhone/ iPad apps and games in it. You can run them from your Windows computer or laptop and access them flawlessly as you run them on your Apple devices. With emulators and simulators, you can test run your apps while developing them and debug them.

Use of iOS simulator
Besides accessing the iOS apps and games, an iOS emulator benefits you from a number of features:

  • Test builds iOS apps during the development process
  • Run in multiple devices containing the same operating system
  • Find the major issues in your app during early testing and design
  • Test your app with developer tools which are available only for simulator
  • Learn more about the Xcode development experience and iOS development environment before becoming a member of iOS Developer Program

Advantages of using an emulator
An emulator provides you several advantages that a developer needs.

  • Besides the several benefits of using an emulator, there are a number of advantages it bears.
  • Emulators are free to use and provided with the SDK with the release of every new operating system.
  • Easy installation; requires no high-tech processor systems.
  • Faster programming and simple to use.

Differences between Emulator and Simulator
Although both of them sound the same, still there is a variation between them.

An emulator works as a replacement for the original device. It can run the same software and applications of the original device without modifying them and it can’t even point out the difference in the duplicate system. Emulators are basically used by non-iOS users who want to experience the iPhone/ iPad interface without having the original device.

On the other hand, a simulator can set up the similar environment as the original device’s OS but doesn’t endeavor to replicate its hardware. Due to this reason, some applications might not work in simulators or may run differently. A simulator often runs the code faster and smoother and it launches instantly within seconds.

Compared to the specifications, an emulator is mostly preferred by users and developers to test drive apps due to its user-friendly features and flexibility.

Best iOS emulator for Windows

(1) Smartface

Smartface is an iPhone app emulator and tester that helps develop cross-platform native iOS apps. It is a full-featured enterprise mobility management platform that reduces cost, increases productivity, removes dependency and provides strategic mobility solutions. Smartface provides full debugging options for iOS apps which help the app developer flexibility to work with it and develop apps. The main features of Smartface are:

  • Plugins support to extend Smartface apps
  • Javascript library
  • WYSIWYG Design editor
  • Single Javascript codebase
  • Testing apps and debugging
  • Enterprise plugins and services

(2) Air iPhone Emulator

Air iPhone is an alternate iOS simulator Windows which replicates the iPhone’s Graphical User Interface. To run Air iPhone you’ll need the AIR framework for the application to the program. Although Air iPhone is not a fully functional application, you will find a difference in running apps in it and the real device. It completely reproduces the iPhone but developers might find trouble in testing their apps on it. Reviews do not state too many advantages about the app but still people who want to experience the iPhone can use it smoothly.

Air iPhone

(3) MobiOne Studio

MobiOne Studio is an iPhone simulator for Windows cum emulator for iOS which works for developing cross-platform mobile apps for iOS and Android systems. Its apps are built on HTML 5 hybrid native app model by means of Cordova/ PhoneGap open source framework. MobiOne can easily build native iOS apps and can be used anywhere and any compatible device. With MobiOne you can build status notifications on the desktop, share app and web app links via email, configure your app to run on iPhone and iPad, app branding with custom icons, view status of your app with the AppCenter Progress view and automatically download the app installation file on your computer on completion of a project. MobiOne Studio can be downloaded and installed easily for free on Windows PC.

(4) iPad Simulator

It is a Google Chrome extension that works as a cloud OS and a simulator in Chrome browser. This extension provides you an iPad interface on your PC and you can use the iMessage app to send messages to your friend using an iPad. On replying, you’ll get notifications within the extension which is one of the best features it carries. If you have a problem buying an iPad due to its high cost then this is the ultimate option. The key features of this Chrome extension are:

  • Get Siri without an iPad
  • Access everything on the cloud
  • Organize your cloud desktop with your preferred iPad apps
  • Launch and connect the simulator with web service with a single click
  • Create unlimited pages of apps
  • Simple and elegant iPad interface
  • Drag and drop apps
  • Multi-tasking in iPad simulator
  • Easily find apps with the search and browse page
  • Use screensavers
  • HD animated background



It is one of the best emulators for iOS that lets you access to iPhone apps and games on your Windows PC. With Simulator, you can test drive underdeveloped apps to find out the major issues in it. Since purchasing the iPhone leads to a major financial decision you can use this app as a virtual iPhone for your desktop. It contains high-quality graphics and interface which exactly an iPhone clone. The major disadvantage of this simulator is you cannot get access to the Apple App Store and few of the apps cannot be accessed by default. It is a free program which can be easily installed on your computer.

Therefore, what we can see is iOS emulators works the best when you want to experience an iPhone/ iPad/ iPod and its native apps on your PC. An emulator supports all versions of iOS, iPhone and iPad, including iOS 4, iOS 5, iOS 6, iOS 7, iOS 8, iOS 9, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Mini and iPad Air. This stands as one of the greatest advantages of using an emulator and simulator.

Emulators come free of cost and support all versions of Windows Vista and later. So if you are having issues with purchasing an iPhone or iPad but still you want to put your hands on iOS apps then emulators are the best alternative for your requirements.

emulators for iOS